Friday, October 24, 2008

Tagged and mystified

Great Scott! I have been tagged by a Scot!
Thank you to Claudia Massie, ( very talented young artist, whose blog everyone should visit, as her Scottish landscapes are throat-catchingly sublime, (and often brrrrrr). I am honoured to be nominated by Claudia, but a very poor choice as I still can't work out these links.
When I "copy shortcut" to her blog (and some but not all others), instead of her name, up comes a long blogger number. Can anyone help? How do I just get the name to highlight and link back to her? GPH you gave me some steps earlier, but I can't find them, and I don't have my children here to lead their poor old mum through the techno fog. Also , if I put in say Matisse, how do I get this to link to Matisse-world out there?

Anyway, having been tagged, I am obliged to follow the 'tagging' rules, namely:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

OK here are 7 facts. This is very difficult. Easy to find 7 facts about husband, children, grandchildren, incredibly talented nieces and nephews, similar dogs, but moi ? Oh no!
1. My best ever dancing partner was our last dog.
2.As a kid I could have lived on peanut butter and golden syrup, spread thickly in just the right proportion on bread (no butter). Would love to indulge now, but the waistline forbids it.
3.Favourite artist varies, probably Matisse or Diebenkorn (this week).
4. Currently reading Julian Barnes "Nothing To Be Frightened Of" ... his amusing musings on death, which sounds macabre, but does not reflect a problem here .. except I like J Barnes .
5. I do not always follow the rules.
6. I can really hold a grudge.
7.When I travel I seem to come home with lots of photographs of trees.

Weird enough?
Now for 7 poor people to tag on.
I don't think I will do this (see fact number 5.)
But please do refer to my rather short blog list for some I admire , as well as


Cathy Gatland said...

When I first discovered blogs everyone was tagging everyone else, then it fizzled out - I'm sure everyone had been done. Has resurfaced, apparently! I'll email you about doing links (Sure I did that before too but maybe wasn't clear enough) but if you go to the Blogger Help Centre from your Dashboard, then Publish & Archive, then Posting & Editing, there's a good explanation 'How do I make a link to another webpage?'
Now I never knew that Fact no.1 about you - live and learn!

Gillian said...

I did not know Fact 1 AND 2! Bread with kitty butter + syrup were MY favourite food choice too! I'm so glad I have not heard about the tagging thing! I remain ignorant - and it will stay that way!

Unknown said...

Hey, nice facts, and thanks for the very generous words! I must try your peanut better - golden syrup thing, a combo that has never occurred to me but sounds awesome!
Have you seen the painting yet?
All best, Claudia